Tuesday, 10 July 2012

SEO Analysis Framework Of On-Site Factors

We have developed a simple framework which can be used to analyse websites' on-site optimisation. We have called this framework the "On-site SEO analysis framework".
The goal behind this framework is to give a structure for analysing a website's on-page optimisation for search engines. As a result, you can use this framework to analyse how good your own businesses website is optimised or search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Using the framework

Because it can be difficult to analyse to what extent a whole website is optimised, the first part of this framework should be performed on at least 10 pages of the website. The second part of the framework, the site wide factors, should be done on the website as a whole.

On-site SEO analysis framework

This framework is based on the idea that each page should target one keyword or key phrase.

Apply to 10 pages on the website:

Is the keyword or key phrase included in:

Title tag (preferably near the beginning)

The URL page name (keywords separated with a hypen)

H1 tag

The body text of the page at least 3 times

ALT tags on images at least once


H2, H3 tags where relevant

The meta description tag

The meta keyword tag

Are synonyms of keywords/key-phrase used on page

Other factors:

Depth of URL not deeper more than 4

Well written page (Few spelling mistakes, slang etc.)

Page size smaller than 150kb

No evidence of keyword stuffing

Page name doesn't end in 0 (read this for an explanation)

Out-bound links to websites relevant to the keyword and the websiteĆ¢€™s neighbourhood

Essential check:

Are all of the above done relevantly?

Is this page a valuable resource for users visiting the page for the keyword it has been optimised for?

Apply to the whole website:

Site-wide factors:

Good domain name

Clean and accessible code

Content not duplicated

Well internally linked


When you perform your analysis using this framework, if you have any "no"s marked in the table above, you should consider addressing them. Having a "yes" in every column means that your website is optimised to its potential.


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